FW: Management Learning Vol. 49, No. 1, February 2018 is now available online



Table of Contents Alert
Management Learning- Volume: 49, Number: 1 (February 2018)


Expecting the unexpected in Management Learning

Emma Bell and Todd Bridgman

Original Articles

Alterity: The passion, politics, and ethics of self and scholarship

Ann L Cunliffe


Seeing and sensing the railways: A phenomenological view on practice-based learning

Thijs Willems


Becoming green, becoming leaders: Identity narratives in sustainability leadership development

Helena Heizmann and Helena Liu

Provocations to Debate

What are you afraid of: Collective leadership and its learning implications

Joseph A Raelin

Special Section Introduction

Critical action learning

Kiran Trehan, Russ Vince, Lisa Anderson, and Clare Rigg

Special Section Articles

Cultural politics and the role of the action learning facilitator: Analysing the negotiation of critical action learning in the Pakistani MBA through a Bourdieusian lens

Farooq Mughal, Caroline Gatrell, and Valerie Stead


Finding critical action learning through paradox: The role of action learning in the suppression and stimulation of critical reflection

Russ Vince, Graham Abbey, Melissa Langenhan, and Diane Bell

Book Reviews

Book Review: The Routledge companion to reinventing management education

Nick Rumens


Book Review: Workplace research: conducting small-scale research in organizations

Juan Felipe Espinosa-Cristia


Book Review: Waves of change: Globalisation and seafaring labour markets

Deniz Tunçalp


Book Review: Superconnected: the internet, digital media, & techno-social life

Antonio Marturano


Book Review: Defining management: Business schools, consultants, media

Julie Davies and Kerttu Kettunen

Call for Papers

Celebrating 50 years of Management Learning: Historical reflections at the intersection of the past and future



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