FW: News from the International Journal of ePortfolio (IJeP)
IJeP • Volume 7 • Number 2 • 2017
Welcoming IJeP and PEARL to AAC&U
Lynn Pasquerella, AAC&U
Instructional Articles
Students as Co-Designers: Peer and Instructional Resources for Novice Users of ePortfolio
Leslie Gordon, University of Georgia
ePortfolios and Interdisciplinary Adult Degree Programs
Layne Ray Bryant, Middle Tennessee State University
Dianna Zeh Rust, Middle Tennessee State University
Julie Fox-Horton, East Tennessee State University
Amy Denise Johnson, East Tennessee State University
Unifying Experiences: Learner and Instructor Approaches and Reactions to ePortfolio Usage in Higher Education
Kyle Scholz, University of Waterloo
Crystal Tse, University of Waterloo
Katherine Lithgow, University of Waterloo
Changing Their Mindsets: ePortfolios Encourage Application of Concepts to the Self
Karen Singer-Freeman, Purchase College, SUNY
Linda Bastone, Purchase College, SUNY
LEADing the Way with Eportfolios in a First-Generation Learning Community
Theresa Conefrey, Santa Clara University
An Embedded ePortfolio in a Masters Degree: Is It Working?
Jennifer Munday, Charles Sturt University
Assessment Article
ePortfolio Assessment as Faculty Development: Gathering Reliable Data and Increasing Faculty Confidence
Margaret Marshall, Auburn University
Lesley Bartlett, Iowa State University
Ashlee Duffy, Auburn University
Stephen Powell, Auburn University
Employer Articles
Employers' Perceptions of the Benefits of Employment Electronic Portfolios
Ronda L. Leahy, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Ariana Filiatrault, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
The Value of Career ePortfolios on Job Applicant Performance: Using Data to Determine Effectiveness
Gail Ring, Pebble Pad
Chelsea Waugaman, Clemson University
Bob Brackett, Clemson University
Please feel free to share this announcement with interested colleagues and on appropriate listservs.
Kind regards,
C. Edward Watson, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President, Quality, Advocacy, and LEAP Initiatives
Association of American Colleges and Universities
1818 R St., NW
Washington, DC 20009
Web: http://www.aacu.org
Twitter: @eddiewatson
Executive Editor
International Journal of ePortfolio (IJeP)
Executive Editor
International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (IJTLHE)
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