FW: Management Learning Vol. 49, No. 3, July 1, 2018 is now available online



Table of Contents Alert
Management Learning- Volume: 49, Number: 3 (July 2018)

Original Articles

Academic writing as love

Carol Marie Kiriakos and Janne Tienari


The critical moment of transition: Staying with and acting on newly gained self- and social awareness

Lotte Svalgaard


Traveling concepts: Performative movements in learning/playing

Barbara Simpson, Rory Tracey, and Alia Weston


Becoming a decolonial feminist ethnographer: Addressing the complexities of positionality and representation

Jennifer Manning


Learning everyday entrepreneurial practices through coworking

Tim Butcher


Imagining management education: A critique of the contribution of the United Nations PRME to critical reflexivity and rethinking management education

Jill Millar and Margaret Price

Provocations to Debate

How preferable and possible is management research-led teaching impact?

Vincent Wayne Mitchell and William S Harvey

Book Reviews

Book Review: Analysing quantitative survey data for business and management students

Sue Greener


Book Review: Exploring Morgan's metaphors: Theory, research, and practice in organizational studies

Jared Kopczynski


Book Review: HRD, OD, and institution building: Essays in memory of Udai Pareek

Catherine McCauley-Smith


Book Review: On the nature of human resource development: Holistic agency and an almost-autoethnographical exploration of becoming

Ally R Memon


Book Review: When sport meets business: Capabilities, challenges, critiques

Brian Shee and Jean McCarthy


Robert French (1949–2018)

Christopher Grey and Peter Simpson

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