Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice
Volume 17, Issue 2 (2020) Becoming Well Read: Charting the complexities of academic reading and navigating the reading journeys of undergraduate and postgraduate students
- Becoming Well Read: Charting the complexities of academic reading and
navigating the reading journeys of undergraduate and postgraduate
Angela Rhead and Christopher Little
Book Review: Reading at University: How to Improve Your Focus and Be More Critical. Jamie Q Roberts and Caitlin Hamilton
Georgina Spencer
Framing the text: understanding emotional barriers to academic reading
Emma Kimberley and Mark Thursby
“It’s not a waste of time!” Academics’ views on the role and function of academic reading: A thematic analysis
Kirsty Miller and Hannah Merdian
Reading to Be: The role of academic reading in emergent academic and professional student identities
Moira Maguire, Ann Everitt Reynolds, and Brid Delahunt
Can the reading load be engaging? Connecting the instrumental, critical and aesthetic in academic reading for student learning
Ha Thi Thu Nguyen and Ariana Henderson
Outsiders looking in? Challenging reading through creative practice
Sandra Abegglen, Tom Burns, David Middlebrook, and Sandra Sinfield
Building knowledge to ease troublesomeness: Affording theory knowledgeability through academic reading circles
Susie Cowley-Haselden
Co-constructing a Liberated / Decolonised Arts Curriculum
Jess Crilly, Lucy Panesar, and Zey Suka-Bill
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