Fwd: These new articles for Higher Education Quarterly are available online.

Higher Education Quarterly

Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue

Expertise and the PhD: Between depth and a flat place
Robyn Barnacle, Christine Schmidt, Denise Cuthbert
Version of Record online: 29 August 2018
The programme director and the Teaching Excellence Framework: How do we train the former to survive the latter?
Ruth Massie
Version of Record online: 21 August 2018
Modelling student migration to Karnataka for Higher Education using a partial least square structural equation model
Sandeep Rao, Veena Andini
Version of Record online: 17 August 2018
Can the performance effect be ignored in the attendance policy discussion?
Kristian J. Sund, Stephane Bignoux
Version of Record online: 17 August 2018
Critical corridor talk: Just gossip or stoic resistance? Unrecognised informal Higher Education leadership
Jill Jameson
Version of Record online: 17 August 2018
Predictive validity of the IELTS in an English as a medium of instruction environment
Kevin Schoepp
Version of Record online: 07 May 2018
What's in a name? The impact of reputation and rankings on the teaching income of English universities
Alison Wolf, Andrew Jenkins
Version of Record online: 19 April 2018
Predictors of student success in Higher Education: Secondary school internal scores versus national exams
José Miguel Cerdeira, Luis Catela Nunes, Ana Balcão Reis, Carmo Seabra
Version of Record online: 14 April 2018
A two‐sided medal: On the complexity of international comparative and collaborative team research
Anna Kosmützky


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