Fwd: Out Now: Lived Experiences of Ableism in Academia by Nicole Brown


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Out Now: Lived Experiences of Ableism in Academia

Strategies for Inclusion in Higher Education
By Nicole Brown

"Using 'lived experience' first-hand accounts, this volume illuminates the complex and often shocking experience of combining the aspirations and demands of academic life with the stigma of managing disability and chronic illness." Gillian Bendelow, University of Brighton

Demands for excellence and efficiency have created an ableist culture in academia. What impact do these expectations have on disabled, chronically ill and neurodivergent colleagues? This important and eye-opening collection explores ableism in academia from the viewpoint of academics' personal and professional experiences and scholarship. 

Deeply embedded in personal experiences, this perceptive book provides examples for universities to develop inclusive practices, accessible working and learning conditions and a less ableist environment. Learn more about it.

Read the author's article, 'Make enablement the legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic' on Transforming Society. 



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Formal differentiation at upper secondary education in Finland: subject-level choices and stratified pathways to socio-economic status and unemployment  [Available as Open Access]





On Transforming Society


Make enablement the legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic

Nicole Brown
Read on Transforming Society.


Integrating Open Access and interdisciplinary scholarship for the love of wisdom

Patrick Gamsby

Read on Transforming Society. 


We can fix educational inequalities, but we need to fix some big policy mistakes first

Ruth Lupton and Debra Hayes

Read on Transforming Society.


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