Fwd: Invitation
Join us for our virtual Book launch 9 th December 2021 3-4 pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6021115975?pwd=bGNOM1hKNlo4WE45b0gycjQzS2pCZz09 Meeting ID: 602 111 5975 Password: 954356 Join us at the launch of the book: "Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: institutional policies, research and practices in Europe". Editors: Isabel Huet (Portuguese Open University & CIDTFF, LE@D), Teresa Pessoa and Fátima Sol (University of Coimbra, Portugal). The 'idea' of this book was to move away from sharing experiences related to teaching and learning in higher education in just one or two countries, but instead, to organize a more European view on the policy, research and teaching practices that are shaping the way our students learn, academics teach and do research. We have a total of 16 chapters from academics in Portugal, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, and the Czech Republic. The book i...
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