FW: Journal of Pedagogic Development: July 2017: New Issue


The Summer 2017 issue of the Journal of Pedagogic Development is now published. Please visit:




We hope you enjoy this issue.


Vol 7, Issue 2 July 2017

Table of Contents


A Critical Approach to Global Citizenship in Initial Teacher Training in the UK

Anthony Stockford, James Shea



Global Universities in Local Contexts: Fostering Critical Self-reflection and Citizenship at Branch Campuses

Sara M. C. Felix, Ariane Smart



Education for Citizenship: Measuring the Impact on Learners of the Community-Based Learning Program in Palestine

Abdel Karim Daragmeh, Emad Basheer Dawwas



Sharedthinking: A Social Identity Approach to Critical Thinking

Nicholas Bowskill



Global Citizenship and Critical Thinking in Higher Education Curricula and Police Education: A Socially Critical Vocational Perspective

Sam Peach, Ray Clare



A Diachronic Analysis of the Cultural Aspect of Local English Coursebooks

Mahdi Dahmardeh, Abbas Parsazadeh, Hossein Parsazadeh



Developing a Cross-Age Teaching Programs: The Benefits to the Student ‘Teachers’

Carmen S. Dixon




Best wishes




Dr David Mathew, PhD, MA, PGCE, SFHEA

Centre for Learning Excellence

University of Bedfordshire

Park Square F305

Luton LU1 3JU


Contact: david.mathew@beds.ac.uk

NEW: Journal of Pedagogic Development

NEW: Books by David Mathew



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